Frankfurt, Germany,
Mercure Hotel Frankfurt Airport
March 7th – 9th, 2014

Brains for Brain Foundation (B4B), the organization leading the “Inherited NeuroMetabolic Disease Information Network” (InNerMeD-I Network) project, is pleased to announce that “THE EIGHTH B4B WORKSHOP AND INNERMED INFORMATION NETWORK 1ST OPEN CONFERENCE” will be jointly held in Frankfurt on March 7th – 9th, 2014.

The meeting aims to enable information exchange among clinicians, basic scientists and experts specialised in inherited neurometabolic diseases (iNMDs), pharmaceutical companies and family associations.



Invited speakers, all prestigious Professors from European and non European countries will discuss the following topics:
Basic aspect of iNMDs and in particular Lysosomal Storage Diseases (LSDs)
Pathophysiology of these diseases
Strategy to overcome the Blood Brain Barrier and therapeutic options
B4B and InNerMeD-I Network European actions
Biotech collaborations

A broad discussion on brain function in normal and pathological conditions will be performed with particular attention to the recent advances in diagnostic, treatment options, and technological strategies for a successful management of different neurological affections, in particular LSDs. It will also be emphasised the important role of an early intervention in preventing the morbidity and mortality associated with each of the disorders. The programme will culminate with the public presentation of the InNerMeD project, its objectives and development process, its strategic relevance, its methods and means with particular attention to the dedicated website platform.
The meeting represents an excellent occasion to foster fruitful scientific interactions and discussions. Infact it provides a great opportunity for exchanging information and for discussing the last most relevant research findings on iNMDs.
The increasing number of participants that every year attend the annual B4B Symposium are a sign of the increasing awareness of the importance of interdisciplinary dialogue among experts working in the field of iNMDs. Moreover the active participation of new and old attendees, seriously committed to combine their forces and their scientific experiences, is a prove of evidence of the successful networking activity performed by the Brains for Brain International Foundation on behalf of all InNerMeD-I Project Partners.