BRAINS FOR BRAIN Onlus Foundation (B4B)

The Diagnostic, Clinical and Therapeutic Education Programme (DCTEP) on Inherited Metabolic Disorders (IMDs)

In a major step forward for the medical community, the MetabERN network has launched the Diagnostic, Clinical and Therapeutic Education Programme (DCTEP) – the first comprehensive e-learning course focused on inherited metabolic disorders (IMDs).

This innovative program provides participants with a thorough grounding in the biochemical basis, genetics, diagnosis, and clinical management of these rare and complex diseases. Designed by leading experts in the field, the DCTEP equips healthcare professionals with the specialized skills and knowledge needed to effectively diagnose, treat, and care for IMD patients.

“IMDs pose unique challenges, and require a multidisciplinary approach to patient management,” explained Prof. Maurizio Scarpa, coordinator of the MetabERN network. “The DCTEP was created to train a new generation of IMD experts and raise awareness among all the medical professionals involved in these cases.”

The online course consists of 11 modules covering a wide range of metabolic processes and disorders, from sugar and energy metabolism to lipids, proteins, and organelle function. Each module features video lectures, case studies, self-assessments, and feedback surveys to ensure a well-rounded learning experience.

Upon completion, participants will earn continuing medical education (CME) credits accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME). This recognized qualification will help drive improved care for the thousands of patients living with rare metabolic conditions across Europe.

IMDs are often difficult to diagnose and manage, leaving many patients without the specialized support they need,” said Prof Scarpa. “The DCTEP represents a major step forward in our mission to enhance expertise, streamline care pathways, and ultimately, transform outcomes for this vulnerable patient population.

The DCTEP is now open for registration at the MetabERN Education Platform. Healthcare professionals with relevant degrees are encouraged to enroll and join the growing community of IMD experts. For more information, visit