Dear Friends of B4B,

It has been almost a year since we bid farewell to our dear friend and valued member, Dr. David Begley, the Vice President and Co-Founder of the Brains for Brain Foundation. His absence continues to be deeply felt within our community, and in honor of his memory, we are organizing a special celebration to mark the first anniversary of his passing and the restart of the Brains for Brain Foundation’s activities.

In the spirit of David’s vision and dedication, we aim to once again breathe life into the B4B initiative.

To this end, we are organizing a gathering that not only serves as a high-value scientific meeting but also as an opportunity to bring together all those who were close to David and his family. Through this event, we aspire to pay a fitting tribute to David’s memory and celebrate his lasting impact on our organization and the broader scientific community.

We are currently finalizing the program of this special meeting, which will take place at the Sidney Sussex College in Cambridge, UK, from September 9th to September 11th, 2024.

You can have a look at the draft programme here

 If you wish to attend the workshop, please get in touch with Mrs Paula Caprelli ( as soon as possible in order for us to be able to register your presence and predispose the logistics.

For general enquiries or any additional required information, please get in touch with Dr. Cinzia Maria Bellettato (

We look forward to seeing you in September as we come together to honour the memory of Dr. David Begley and revive the important work of the Brains for Brain Foundation.